ELRGI offers an effective liaison with Council on issues where the broader community needs have not been met, or where changes are proposed to Council services or regulations which might impact on, or be seen as adverse to the interests of our community.
We have been effective in having improvements made to parks and reserves, through consultation with Council, supported community forums and represented the interests of residents with associations and other groups who share the lake facilities.
If you have concerns or need advice on local issues you should contact ELRGI. Our members’ suggestions have been presented to Council and other organisations by committee members where we have normally succeeded in outcomes that improve safety and facilities in our local environment. We look seriously at every issue which is worthwhile for our community.
ELRGI does not engage in neighborhood disputes under any circumstances.
Any problem relating to Council equipment, storm damage, flooding or other emergency issues should be reported direct to the Council. This includes acts of vandalism to Council property and theft from Council parks and reserves.
We ask residents to be vigilant and ask Council to assist if you notice paved footpaths lifting and presenting a tripping hazard. The same applies if you notice hazards arising from the build-up of quantities of leaves and blossoms in the street, or clogging trash racks in the storm water traps. These present a potential blockage and flooding risk.
Some users of facilities in the area may infringe local By-laws. Issues such as having dogs off leash in reserves or letting them swim in the lake, illegal parking or blatantly damaging infra-structure. Council should be contacted to report the issues so they can take appropriate action.
Council can be contacted through:
“Contact Us” at
Phone: (08) 8551 0500
Our newsletters contain articles of interest to all residents and the editor is happy to receive emails on community issues that might be of interest to our wider community.
Please visit our Newsletters page for further details and archived newslwetters.
Subscriptions are collected from April onwards each year, so you can expect one of the committee to call some time during the colder part of the year. If we miss you for some reason please call your closest committee member. A complete list of contact details is set out on the Management Committee page.